与film查询只提供 17 个网站参考!
[数码家电] Fujifilm富士 (3881)
[简述]:Fujifilm*,At Fujifilm we are working in many areas *mdash; from digital cameras to motion picture film,* computer media to medical imaging *mdash; to bring you better products, solve difficult problems* protect our planet's environment.
http://www.fujifilm.com 权重1 -
[数码家电] KONICA (3643)
[简述]:Gateway to Konica Minolta websites Worldwide,* Corporate Information, Investor Relations, Environment* more. Konica Minolta is an Innovative Company* continues to create impressions in the Field of Imaging.
https://www.konicaminolta.com.cn 权重3 -
[数码家电] 中国富士施乐 (3564)
https://www.fujifilm-fb.com.cn 权重3 -
[数码家电] 富士相机 (3188)
[简述]:FUJIFILM中国*站fujifilm,富士胶片集团自1934年创建以来,不断以坚定的步伐向前迈进, 发展至今已成为世界上规模*大的综合性影像、信息、文件处理类产品及服务的制造和供应商之*。
http://www.fujifilm.com.cn 权重3 -
[数码家电] Technicolo (2616)
[简述]:Technicolor is the world's largest film processor; the largest independent manufacturer* distributor of DVDs (including Blu-ray Disc);*, a leading global supplier of set-top boxes* gateways.
http://www.technicolor.com 权重0